To sanitize the AeroGarden, simply follow the steps listed below. This ensures that any root pathogens that could harm your crop are gone. When growing a new plant and you have used your Aerogarden previously, then you will need to sanitize your garden before you begin.
Now that you have everything you need to produce strawberries, let’s have a look at how to plant them in your Aerogarden.

But with a bit of time and effort, it’s still possible to achieve fantastic results with your AeroGarden by using Grow Anything pods and planting them with strawberry crowns. Strawberry plants that are grown from seeds can take two or three years to mature and start producing fruit. There are no pre-made strawberry seed pods available, so no AeroGarden strawberries from seeds unfortunately. Growing strawberries with your AeroGarden requires a bit more work than most other crops do. 5) Growing AeroGarden Strawberries Final Thoughts 1.